3 Super Seeds You Should Be Eating

Welcome back to #wellnesswednesday! This week’s post will highlight the health benefits of 3 Super Seeds: Chia, Flax and Hemp hearts; and a smoothie recipe that incorporates all three.

Chia, Flax and Hemp hearts are excellent examples of seeds that are considered to be super foods. Each contains a full spectrum of essential and vital nutrients.



Chia is an ancient seed that comes from a member of the mint family called Salvia Hispanica, which grows in southern Mexico. In fact it has been called the “Runner’s Food” as it was used by the Aztec Indians for long distance runs and endurance.

Chia contains high levels of Omega-3 & Omega-6 essential fatty acids (EFA), antioxidants and is rich in plant-based protein.

This amazing little seed also provides a plethora of vitamins and minerals such as calcium, copper, manganese, niacin, phosphorus and zinc.

Because the seeds rapidly absorb 10-12x their weight in liquid, it is best to soak the seeds before adding them to drinks or dishes (or purchase cracked or ground chia).

The chia jelly that is formed slows down the conversion of carbohydrates to sugar which helps stabilize blood sugar levels.

Chia seeds quick soak

3 parts water

1 part chia seeds

stir ingredients together and allow to stand for 15-20minutes before adding to smoothies or protein shakes



Per volume, flax is one of the richest sources of essential fatty acids (EFA) Omega-3 and Omega-6. In proper balance, these fatty acids work to form the membranes of every cell in the body.

Additionally, flax is rich in fiber and other essential nutrients such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, folate, iron and contains 110% of the recommended daily intake of magnesium.

For maximum benefits grind the seeds with a small coffee grinder or purchase ground flax.

Add the ground seeds to protein shakes, cereals, oats or mix into hummus or guacamole.

NOTE: Flax can upset digestion if consumed in large amounts; consume the serving size of 1-2 tablespoons.



Hemp hearts are delicious nut like seeds from the shelled hemp seed. The seeds are rich in protein, iron, calcium, vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin A, riboflavin and essential fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6.

Hemp hearts naturally reduce cravings for sugar and stimulants, which clearly helps to maintain a healthy diet plan.

Add to salads or smoothies, oatmeal or sprinkle on pasta and rice dishes.

Nutrition is key to the maintenance of optimal health & fitness. Consume foods that are highly nutritious and provide clean energy to fuel the body.





  • 300ml Unsweetened Almond milk
  • ½ banana frozen or fresh
  • 1/2 cup fresh or frozen mango chunks
  • 1 tbsp. soaked chia seeds
  • 1 tbsp. raw apple cider vinegar (optional)
  • 1 tsp. ground flax seeds
  • 1 tsp. hemp hearts
  • ¼ tsp cinnamon
  • 1 scoop Hemp protein (optional)




Blend all ingredients in blender, add ice if desired.



Jennifer Nicol is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist at our Bay & Dundas Wellness Center and Yoga Instructor at our Bay & Dundas and Yonge & Eglinton studio locations.



Video is created by The Art of Grace