The Chakras, Part II

Quite often in the practice of yoga, we talk about the chakras and their influence on our physical, psychological, and spiritual bodies. For those who practice yoga frequently, this is a common point of discussion. For those who are new to the practice, this is an unfamiliar concept, a brand new world that remains undiscovered and untouched. For those who have not yet heard about the chakras, this blog will explain the basic dynamics of each chakra, as well as its impact on our physical and spiritual beings. For those who have encountered the chakras in their yogic journey, this blog will serve as a refresher course!

The chakras are seven energy centers, located from the base of the spine to the top of the crown. Each chakra is identified by a different color and rules a specific psychological and physical principle. When the chakras are open and unblocked, it is said that the energies flow freely and harmonize all aspects of the body. When they are blocked, we may feel strained in various areas of our emotional lives, and may even become physically ill as a result. The goal when working with the chakras is to ensure that all energy centers are open, unblocked, and neither over nor under active.

The lower chakras represent our instinctual nature. They are:

2) The Sacral Chakra. This chakra represents your emotions and your attitude towards your own sexuality. When balanced, emotions will flow easily and are expressed clearly. You are comfortable with sexual intimacy and have no problem expressing your sexual desires, allowing passion to fuel your life. If your Sacral Chakra is under active, you may have issues connecting with others. If it is over active, you will tend to be overly sexual and emotional. The color of this chakra is orange.

3) The Navel Chakra. This is the creative center, the chakra that asserts your ego, personal power, and your self-esteem. When balanced, you will feel self-assured and self-aware. It also involves your relation to group dynamics and how you assert yourself in a group. If you are timid and have issues speaking up for yourself, your Navel Chakra could be under active. However, if you can become aggressive and domineering in social situations, your Navel Chakra is over active. The color of this chakra is yellow.

In the very middle of the body, there is one chakra that rules both the emotional and physical body. This chakra is:

4) The Heart Chakra. This chakra rules love, kindness, and affection towards others. When it is balanced, you create harmonious relationships and tend to be very friendly towards other people. However, if you feel a need to distance yourself from others, your Heart Chakra could be under active. If you become possessive over those you love or become suffocating, your Heart Chakra is over active. The color of this chakra is green.

The higher chakras represent our mental nature. They are:

5) The Throat Chakra. This is the chakra of self-expression. When it is open and balanced, you speak freely and clearly, often interpreting your words towards creative expression. If you find that you are shy, speak very little, or have problems telling the truth, your Throat Chakra is under active. If you have problems listening or tend to be domineering in conversation, your Throat Chakra is over active. The color of this chakra is blue.

6) The Third Eye Chakra. This chakra rules your intuition, your insight, and your ability to fantasize and visualize. When it is balanced, you experience a blissful balance between the fantastic and the realistic, using your gut to steer you in the right directions. If you feel easily confused or tend to be too rigid in your beliefs, your Third Eye Chakra is under active. If you delve too deeply into fantasy and have problems returning to normality, your Third Eye Chakra is over active. The color of this chakra is indigo.

7) The Crown Chakra. The final chakra rules ultimate wisdom, your connection with the divine, and your awareness of yourself in terms of the Divine Plan. A balance of this chakra indicates a high awareness of yourself and the world around you, without prejudice or judgment of others. If you are rigid in your thinking and unaware of your spiritual energies, your Crown Chakra can be under active. If, however, you ignore the needs of your body and are “addicted” to spirituality, your Crown Chakra is over active. The color of this chakra is purple.

There are several techniques available for balancing and working with chakras, including sound, movement, and visualization. When working to open the chakras, be sure to visualize the light clearing and growing, falling into harmony with the other chakras in the body (no need to balance the over active ones; they are already over compensating for the ones that aren’t already balanced!) A meditation while visualizing the harmonizing of each energy center will help bring you into harmony on and off of the mat.

Most fortuitously, we have a Chakra Balancing Workshop upcoming at our Richmond Hill location! On Sunday, April 27th, Sunday, May 4th, and Sunday, May 25th, Deborah White will be in to teach us about the chakras, their relation to yoga, and give us tips on how to better balance their energies. Each session is $45 each, but for best results, come to all three for $120. Space is limited, so don’t forget to reserve your spot!

We hope that this information has been helpful to everyone, both beginner and advanced students alike. Namaste!

To find out more about chakras, visit our sourse at


Video is created by The Art of Grace