Make Yoga a Habit This March


WEEK1March is here and, if you’re anything like me, your new years resolutions have become a long-forgotten dream. Now, try not to be discouraged by what you may deem to be a failure. There is always something to be gained from a Netflix binge, and that cake would have been wasted if you were to let it sit in the fridge another day… But keep in mind that every day is a new opportunity to work toward your best self. And today is a particularly good day – March 1st marks the first day of Yoga Tree’s 30 Day Challenge! Challenge yourself to complete 25 yoga classes with us between March 1st and March 30th. I know that I feel my best self when I am able to find pleasure in the little things and take time to care for myself, and yoga really cultivates that kind of attitude.  I’m hoping that, despite the laziness that came over me in the early part of this year, that I will be able to turn my practice into a habit.

When most of us think about habits, our bad ones are the first that come to mind. Let’s turn the focus to our good habits – the ones that make you you, or ones that you would like to develop. In order to get the most out of your experience with the 30 Day Challenge, it’s helpful to acknowledge the way that we form habits. First, there is a trigger that acts as a reminder or creates an instinctual feeling to perform the habit. A good way to create a trigger is by attending a class at the same time every day. Then the habit is performed – hopefully throughout this process yoga will become a routine in your life! Afterwards, the reward centre of our brains get lit up thanks to endorphins and dopamine among other “feel good” chemicals. And these good feelings reinforce the behaviour. We are all probably familiar with that blissful after-yoga glow – what better reward can you ask for? Besides the prize for yogis that successfully complete the 30 Day Challenge: a 15% discount off your next workshop or package, a complementary pass for a friend new to Yoga Tree, and the chance to win a Yoga Tree prize pack worth $200 that we offer to successful yogis!

Here are some tips:

  • When you are feeling particularly motivated, open our app on your phone (I know it’s nearby), choose a class that works with your schedule and book it online. You will have a spot reserved for you, and having it in your calendar with a reminder set can help you commit to attending the class.

  • Create a vision board (either a physical one or a virtual one) and post photos of asanas you would like to master, or quotes that inspire you and peruse through it if you’re in need of some extra motivation.

  • Try keeping a record of the classes you take, especially if you are newer to yoga. Make a note of how you feel before and after the class – physically, mentally, spiritually. Writing these things down can help you to recognize patterns in your mood and behaviours

  • Ask a friend to join you for the 30 Day Challenge – you will keep each other motivated and you’ll get more hang time with your yoga buddy!

If you have an auto-renew membership you can participate in this challenge for no additional cost – simply speak to our Yoga Advisors at the front desk to sign up. Otherwise, we are offering a package of one month unlimited for $120, especially for this challenge. Feel free to call your home studio for more details 🙂


Video is created by The Art of Grace