Inspired by Earth Hour

On March 29th, 2014, the world is encouraged to take an hour of darkness. This is in support of Earth Hour, an international observation sponsored by the World Wildlife Fund. The WWF has worked for over 50 years as organization that actively inspires the planet to care for its creatures, their natural habitats, and the endangered environment within them. Additionally, the WWF works to garner environmental awareness towards the conditions that are actively deteriorating our planet. It’s a valiant cause, and a cause that deserves more press than it is actually getting.

On April 29th, 1961, a group of activists came together in Morges, Switzerland and created what is known as the “Morges Manifesto”, a promise to preserve the natural beauty of the planet and protect any species that were threatened by extinction. From a humble beginning, the WWF grew to global consciousness with the vision of its founding fathers, Julian Huxley and Peter Scott. Today, the WWF has a hand in international policy, policing, research, and education garnered towards making the world a better, more beautiful, and more natural place.

The first Earth Hour observation was held on March 31st, 2007 in Sydney, Australia. The goal was to allow all non-essential lights to be switched off in order to display a commitment to the natural preservation of the planet. Since then, over 7000 cities worldwide have joined the event, observing Earth Hour as a way of inspiring others to join in the fight to keep our planet clean and green.

This year, participants will be joining in the cause between 8:30PM and 9:30PM during their local time. All non-essential lights will be shut off and the darkness will reign, giving us all an opportunity to not only display our commitment to the Global Green, but to also reflect upon why we, as humans, have a responsibility to the planet we have been gifted. It is an exquisite practice, and an incredible companion to the way of life that yoga inspires.

Earth Hour is our time to truly “shine”, to become in touch with our roots, and to evolve beyond the basic obsession for industrial progress. We may let go of our gadgets to find peace with our fellow creatures, the little guys all over the world who may not have the opportunity to thrive in the way that us humans do. An hour of darkness is an hour of meditation, observation, and prayer towards our ultimate goal of making the world a better place for every creature, regardless of the number of legs it stands on.

As this is the prime time to channel our energy into something that keeps us “grounded”, Yoga Tree is offering a candlelit class at each of our studios during Earth Hour. Please join us for a blissful retreat and help us ring in our human potential through the power of yoga. Stay tuned to our schedule for upcoming details!

What will be in your heart during Earth Hour? Tweet us at @Yoga_Tree or Instagram @yogatreestudios with the handle #momentofdarkness and tell us what Earth Hour means to you!


Video is created by The Art of Grace