We Want to Hear From You!

One of the greatest ways of making news travel in the olden days (think, before the golden age of technology), was to tell stories. As children, we all gather around the campfire, listening with rapt delight as stories are told. Sometimes spooky, sometimes inspiring, the beauty of each tale envelops us with the awe-inspiring lust for life that we all become aware of as children. If we are lucky, we always hold onto that delight and experience it into our adult years. In ways, the essence of telling our story has always been at the heart of the practice of yoga.

Over the past few weeks, Yoga Tree has heard some extraordinary and inspiring stories from our students about their lives as yogis. There’s a lot of love with the stories, a potent sequence of lessons that encompasses the “hero’s journey.” We have both laughed and cried together, and with each new tale, a stronger community at Yoga Tree is formed. We are truly blessed to be a part of such a unique and powerful student base!

It is for this reason that Yoga Tree would like to feature students on our blog. Sharron’s story earlier this week was so incredible that it has inspired us to reach out to our community and ask what it is that they have learned from their personal paths. By learning about each of our journeys as students of yoga, we grow to a stronger journey together, embodying every aspect of what it truly means to be “yogis”… and this is a beautiful thing indeed!

If you have a story that you would like to contribute to our blog, we’d love to hear from you! Feel free to send us a message over our Facebook page (Yoga Tree Studios, Toronto), or talk to you favorite instructor about what you’d like to share. With the digital age in full force, it has never been easier to spread the news… and spread the love.

Looking forward to hearing from you all soon! Namaste!


Video is created by The Art of Grace